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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing Series A - Courage (4ACC-25) - L540302 | Сравнить
- Group Processing Series A - Location (4ACC-26) - L540302 | Сравнить




#0979 5403C02 4ACC-26#0978, 5403C02 4ACC-25

We're going to cover now a process which is not an energy process, which is relatively light.

We're going to take up here processing of courage.

Now let's locate your right foot. Locate your left foot. Locate your right foot in relationship to your left foot. Locate both feet in relation to your head. Locate the back wall in relation to your head. Locate it in relationship to your feet.

And I want you now to waste some courage. See if you can get some courage, and waste it so that you really know you're wasting it. You really know it's a waste of courage. OK. Now let's get somebody else wasting courage. Now let's get somebody wasting somebody else's courage. And somebody wasting your courage. And you wasting somebody else's courage. Now let's you waste some courage. And be sure you're wasting it now. Be sure it's really a waste of courage. Now let's get somebody else wasting some courage. And now let's get somebody wasting somebody else's courage. And somebody wasting your courage. Then you wasting somebody else's courage. OK.

Now let's locate the front yard in relationship to your feet. The front of the building in relationship to your feet. Let's locate the roof in relationship to your feet. And now the front of the building in relationship to your head. The roof of the building in relationship to your head.

Now let's get you saving some courage. Saving some courage. And somebody else saving some courage. And somebody saving somebody else's courage. And somebody saving your courage. And you saving somebody else's courage.

The ground under the building in relationship to your feet. The back of the building in relationship to your feet. The ground under the building in relationship to your head. The back of the building in relationship to your head.

Now let's get you accepting courage. Get you accepting courage. And somebody else accepting some courage. And somebody accepting somebody else's courage. And somebody accepting your courage. And you accepting somebody else's courage. OK.

Now let's locate the middle of the room in relationship to the middle of your head. Let's locate the middle of your front foot. Your other foot. Locate those two things in relationship to each other. Locate those two centers in relationship to the center of your head. Locate the center of the room in relationship to the center of your head. Locate the center of the city in relationship to the center of your head. Locate the center of the sun in relationship to the center of the Earth. The center of the moon in relationship to the center of the sun. Now the center of the room in relationship to the center of the moon. The center of the moon in relationship to the center of your head.

Now let's get you desiring some courage. And somebody else, a specific person, desiring courage. And somebody desiring somebody else's courage. And you desiring somebody else's courage. And somebody desiring your courage. OK.

Locate the front door of the building in relationship to the back door of the building. OK.

Now let's mock yourself up as courageous about living in this universe. And do that several times. And now mock yourself up as courageous about knowing this universe. Courageous about knowing about this universe. Do that many times. OK. Now mock yourself up as courageous enough to know about yourself. Many times.

Now let's find some places where you are not. Now let's find some places which are dark.

And now mock yourself up many times, courageous enough to accept the standards or others. OK. Now mock yourself up many times, one after the other, as courageous enough to appear. OK. Now mock yourself up many times, time after time, courageous enough to disappear.

Now let's just arbitrarily and preferably without accuracy, but very precisely, locate your right foot. That's elsewhere than where you located it before. Locate your left foot now, at some distance from your right foot.

Now mock yourself up many times as a bright dot. A bright dot courageously appearing. OK. Now mock yourself up many times as a bright dot courageously disappearing or pulling back from being seen. Now let's mock yourself up as enjoying disappearing. A bright dot, many times, enjoying disappearing. And now many times, enjoying appearing. Now being courageous about appearing. Now mock yourself up many times as being courageous about somebody else courageously appearing. OK. Now let's waste some courage. And be sure you are wasting it. Let's waste a lot more courage. Now let's get somebody else and have this person waste courage. Now let's have somebody waste somebody else's courage. Somebody waste your courage. And you waste somebody else's courage. OK.

Locate the center of the sun in some other direction than last time. The center of the moon in some other direction than last time. Now take these two new locations with absolute conviction, as the place where these are located. You tell them where they're located. Now locate your two feet in relationship to them.

Let's find a couple of heavy objects and hold onto them and sit there and don't think. OK. Let go. And find some places where you are not. Alright.

Now let's locate the center of the room in an arbitrary direction. Let's locate the center of the Earth in an arbitrary and new direction. Let's locate the North Pole arbitrarily and in a new direction. Locate the South Pole in a new direction. Now let's locate the center of your head in a new direction. And with great conviction. Let's locate the center of the city in a new direction. Now let's locate the center of the Earth in a new direction. Locate the center of your head in a new direction. Locate the center of Earth in a brand new direction. Locate the center of your right foot in a new direction. Locate the center of your left foot in a new direction. Locate the center of your head in a new direction.

Now let's mock yourself up many times, as being courageous about sex. OK. Now let's mock yourself up many times as being courageous about eating. Alright. Now let's mock yourself up many times as being courageous about symbols, letters, words. Now let's mock yourself up many times, being courageous about thinking. One after the other. Now mock yourself up many times, being courageous about work. Courageous about work. And now courageous about monotonous work. Do that many more times, courageous about monotonous work. OK. Now mock yourself up many times as being courageous in the face of emotion. Many, many more times. Courageous in the face of emotion. OK. Now mock yourself up many times, being courageous about seeing things. And now courageous about hearing things. And now mock yourself up many times, one after the other, courageous about knowing. OK.

Now arbitrarily and with great conviction, locate an object in the middle of the room. Locate another object, a very massive object, in the back of the building. Locate another massive object in the front of the building. And locate the center of your head in an even newer direction. A new direction now, entirely. Now pick out the center of the object that you put in the back yard, and designate that as the center of a certain space. And the center of the object which you put in the front yard, and designate that the center of a certain space.

Now get a picture of your body out in front of you flip-flopping entirely out of control. Throw that away and do it again. Do it again. Now mock yourself up as being courageous - throw that other one away - courageous about duplicating. Now mock yourself up many times, as being courageous about dying. Let's do that many, many more times now. Courageous about dying. OK. Throw those away.

Now let's take several spaces, one right after the other, which you perceive, and give them names. You've always named objects, let's name spaces. OK.

Let's mock up your body flip-flopping out of control, dying and withering away rapidly to dust. And then do it again. Do it again. Your body flip-flopping out of control, dying, withering away to dust. Let's do that many more times. Your body flip- flopping, dying, withering away to dust. OK. Now let's mock you up being courageous about dying, flip-flopping out of control, dying, and withering away to dust. Complete that cycle many times. Let's complete that cycle some more times. Being courageous about dying, and your body flip-flopping completely out of control, then it dies, goes rigid and withers away to dust. OK.

Now let's locate the center of your head in an even different direction. And now let's locate the center or your head at a considerable distance from you. Now let's locate the center of your stomach, and locate it elsewhere. And now with great decision, locate it somewhere else. And now locate the center of your head. OK.

Let's find a couple of objects, actual objects, hold onto them, don't think. OK. Let's find some places where you are not. Now let's find some places you wouldn't have to look at to know whether or not you're there. OK.

Now take an object, any object, and arbitrarily locate it at a certain distance from you. Now imbue this object with everything you understand to be your personality. Endow it with life. Get the feel of your personality from it. Do a good job on it, endow it with life. Give it your personality and feel even more intimate about it than you do about your body. Now say that you have just moved out of this object. Now put the object in a new direction at a new distance from you. And a new direction and a new distance from you.

Let's you waste some courage. Let's get somebody else wasting some courage. Somebody wasting somebody else's courage. Somebody wasting your courage. You wasting somebody else's courage. Alright.

Now change the personality of this object. Now change it for the worse. Now change it for the better. Endow this object with the ability to feel, and feel something with it. Endow it with your personality again and locate it a new direction and distance. Now mock up your attention as weighing five tons and move it from the body to the object. Now mock up your attention as being the weight of a feather and move it from the object to the body.

Now let's get you accepting some courage. Somebody else accepting some courage. Somebody accepting your courage. You accepting somebody else's courage.

Now move your attention off of the body onto a wall. Off of the wall onto a space. And now onto the object which you designated as having your personality. Now view this object with even more personality, now. Now put some beams on it so you can control it much better. Put some more beams on it so that you can control it even better. Hang all sorts of odds and ends of energy on it. Strange deposits of energy, each one of which has some strange, peculiar property. OK.

Now mock up a huge mob of people, each one of them being courageous about the mystery of living. Just throw it aside, and put another mob there and then throw that one aside and put another mob there. Each time everybody in the mob being courageous about the mystery of life and living. Mob after mob. OK.

Now disendow this object of life. Throw these odds and ends of ridges and energies away, and find the biggest object that you can find anyplace in the surroundings.

Let's mock up now, a mob of other people, each one with the viewpoint that he must be courageous about sex. OK. Now, let's get these people, this whole mob of people enjoying the idea of sex. Get another mob doing the same thing, and another mob doing the same thing. OK. Sweep these mobs aside.

At best, let's locate a mountain. Now let's endow this mountain with your personality. Let's hang some ridges and automatic machinery on the mountain. Now let's change the mountain's personality slightly. Now let's change it very much for the worse. Change it very much for the better. Now let's make this mountain very alive. Now rig this mountain up so that when you touch one end of this mountain, you can get a sensation at the other end of the mountain. Now improve this mountain's personality. Now disendow this mountain of life. Take the life out of this mountain.

Now let's get a mob of people being courageous about eating. OK. Mob after mob. OK. Now get mob after mob of these people enjoying eating. OK. Now let's get mob after mob of people being courageous about thinking. Now let's get mob after mob of people enjoying thinking. More mobs. Get a mob and set it aside, get another mob, set it aside, each one enjoying thinking. OK.

Now put this life into another mountain. Now hang all sorts of energy masses on this new mountain. Now endow this new mountain with the ability to look. Now use this ability to look, so that you can see some scene from the mountain itself. Alright. Disendow this mountain of life, and the ability to perceive, and let's find another mountain. And let's duplicate this new mountain many times. Make new mountains along side of it, many times. OK.

Now let's get a huge mob of people enjoying work. Enjoying the effort of work. Now get mob after mob being courageous about work, the effort of work. And now have them enjoying being courageous about work. Mob after mob. OK. Now let's get mob after mob of people being courageous about emotion. OK. Get mob after mob of people now, enjoying emotion. OK.

Now find two objects. Hold onto them and don't think. Find two objects, hold onto them and don't think. OK. Let go of them. And give me some places where you are not. OK.

Now let's mock you up time after time after time, as a little bright dot being courageous about having a body. Many more times, being courageous about having a body. OK. Now let's mock you up as a little dot, many, many times, time after time, each time enjoying having a body. OK. Keep sweeping that aside. Get yourself as a mob of little bright dots, each one now being courageous about having a body. OK. Now let's get mob after mob of you, little bright dots, enjoying having a body. Many little bright dots and each one enjoying having a body. Then set it aside and get another such mob. OK.

Now let's recall some things which are quite real. Now let's predict some things that have the same level of reality. Predict them until they have that level of reality.

Let's find a couple of objects and hold onto them. Sit there and don't think. OK. Let go. And find some places where you are not. Alright.

Now look around your surroundings and find several objects and as you look at these objects, imagine them with complete reality, to be something else. And get the same level of reality as you did on those things which you recalled. Object after object, imagine each one to be something else. With as high a level of reality as your own past instance. OK.

Now let's be courageous about a machine. Set that aside and do it again. Set it aside and do it again. Courageous about a machine. Do it time after time. Courageous about a machine. OK. Get mobs of yourself and mobs of machinery and have yourself, in each case, being courageous about machinery. Sweep it aside. Get another such mob. OK. Let's set that aside. And now let's get you, a whole mob of you as little bright dots this time, enjoying machinery. OK. Now let's get mobs and mobs of machines now, one mob after the other, and have these machines enjoying you. Mob after mob of machines and have them enjoying you. OK. Let's throw all that away.

Now let's mock up an animal body in front of you, and whether it's seen clearly or not, imbue it with far, far more reality than you would have on your own body. Now disendow this animal of life. And mock up another object, whether seen clearly or not is beside the point, another object which has greater reality, much greater reality than objects which you normally contact in life. OK. Now disendow it.

And get some places where you're not. Alright.

And let's look around the environment, and this time imagine locations where you are not, with even greater certainty than you have for occasions which you're just saying you are not in. And get this with greater conviction. OK.

Now let's look around the surroundings and find some objects and into each object, put enjoyment. And find some more objects and do the same thing. OK. Now let's check over some things you do not at this moment have to be courageous about. Things of which you do not have to be courageous, about which you do not have to be courageous. Some more things, about which you do not have to be courageous. And now check over the environment for things that you don't have to enjoy. OK.

Now let's imagine an animal's body and perceive it, doesn't matter how clearly you see it or its outline, but perceive to have much greater life than objects which you run into in the physical universe.

Now let's mock yourself up dead several times. OK. Throw those away. And now let's mock yourself up, let's spot an awful lot of jails and mock yourself up in each one, enjoying your stay in it. Now find a lot more jails and get yourself in each one, enjoying your stay, being very pleasant. Not being grateful or anything, but just enjoying it. Now you can go back over the same jails again and do it again. OK. Now mock yourself up in several police stations, being grateful for attention from the police. Now a lot more police stations, each time being grateful for attention from the police.

Now let's look around the environment and let's find object after object, and have each one of these objects perceive you as being nothing and so itself, disappear. It duplicates you and let's pretend you're nothing, and have it duplicate you. Have these objects one after the other perceive you to be nothing, as so itself becomes nothing. Let's do that some more. OK.

Now mock yourself up many times being grateful for the attention from your father and mother. Grateful for everything they've done for you. Many times. Now mock up your father and mother two at a time, time after time, and get the idea of them there, being grateful to you for having been their child. Many times. OK. Now mock up a member of the opposite sex, whether you're married or not, grateful to you for being your wife or husband, for being permitted to be your wife or husband. Grateful. Now mock up yourself many times, being grateful to this marital partner for being permitted to be their partner. If that's a little harder, let's really work at it. Doesn't matter whether it's true or not, let's just do it. Let's manage that one. Let's really do that one. Grateful to this marital partner for being permitted to be their marital partner. OK. Now mock yourself up grateful to this marital partner, and then falling down dead. Mock yourself up as being grateful and then falling down dead. And wasting away to dust of course, immediately.

Now let's take several people we dislike and have these persons feel and perceive that you are nothing, and so disappear. Do that again now, with the same people. Do it again with the same people. Do it again with the same people. Have these people stand there, perceive that you are a nothingness and so, themselves cease to exist. Alright.

Now mock yourself up as infinitely grateful to god for all he's done for you. You could manage that, now let's do that. Just try it some more until you really get it. Now mock yourself up as enjoying being grateful to god.

Now mock up an object, have the object perceive you a nothingness, and so disappear. And then so on with several objects. OK.

Now mock yourself up as dead because of the process. Several times. Now mock yourself up as a thetan with the light gone out, just because of the process. Several dead candles or something of the sort. OK.

Now take these people you had before and have each one of these people before you, and then you perceive that they are really run by a nothingness, and so you get the feeling of disappearing. Get the feeling they are run by a nothingness as you see them, and so disappear, yourself.

Now find a couple of objects and hold onto them and don't think. OK. Let go. Find some places where you're not. Find some places where you're not being grateful. Find some places where you're not. Find the floor beneath your feet.

Now take a look at all of space, conceive that this is actually god, and duplicate him by becoming nothing. And do this again and again and again. OK. Mock up god having perceived that you are nothing, and so disappear. And god disappears this time. Now mockup the devil. Have the devil perceive you to be nothing, and so disappear. And have him mock up, mock up the devil again, have him do it again.

End of session.

Have anything you have left of these mock-ups, look at you, perceive that you are nothing, and so disappear. Have them look at you closely and conceive that you're nothing. OK.

Let's find a couple of objects and hold on to the two objects and sit there and don't think. OK. Now imagine some places where you are not. Do it with conviction. OK.

Now let's create something, anything, even an idea. Have it look at you, perceive that you are nothing, and so disappear. Now let's create or perceive some black space. Have the black space look at you, conceive you to be nothing, and so disappear. Let's do that several times. Black space, have it perceive you to be nothing, and have it disappear. OK.

Mock up something, have it perceive you to be an idea, and so itself become an idea. Do that several times. Mock up a fire truck. Have the fire truck look at you, see that you're nothing but an idea and so, become an idea itself. Alright.

Now mock up your body. Have your body perceive you to have no mass, and so itself cease to have mass. Do that several times. Mock up your body, have it conceive you to have no mass, and so you disappear, so it disappears. Now, do this now and have your body, in an effort to duplicate the nothingness of you, cease to exist as a form and become an idea. Let's do that some more. Well, OK.

Now mock up your body, have it conceive you to be an area of blackness and so itself become an area of blackness with the idea of body in it. Do that many times. A body conceives you to be an area of blackness, so that itself becomes an area of blackness with an idea in it. OK.

Now let's look around and find some places where you are not.

Now let's locate the center of your body's head. And now conceive it to be a new distance and direction from you. Now consider it to be a new distance and direction from you. And conceive it to be a new distance and direction from you. OK.

Remember something that's really real to you. Some more things. OK.

Now look at the front of the room. Make a duplicate of the front of the room and put the duplicate over your body's head. And then do that again. Make a duplicate of the front of the room and then fit it over your body's head. Make a duplicate of the room and fit it over your body's head. Do that many times. OK.

Now find a piece of space. Find some space. Make a duplicate of this space and fit it over your body's head. And another duplicate of it and fit it over your body's head. Make the duplicate and then move the duplicate over the body's head each time.

Let's find another object now, and make a duplicate of the object and then move the duplicate over the body's head. Alright. Now find a mountain, make a duplicate of the mountain and fit that duplicate over the body's head. Do that many times. Make a duplicate of the mountain and put the duplicate over the body's head. Now this time make that duplicate dense, heavy. Let's fit it over the body's head. Let's do that a lot more times. OK.

Now let's look around your surroundings and find something that's quite real to you. Reach for it and withdraw from it. Something else that's quite real, reach for it and withdraw from it. Now imagine something more real. Imagine something more real than you have just perceived. And reach for it and withdraw from it. And do that again and again and again. Well, OK.

Find two objects, hold on to them, sit there and don't think. OK. Let go of these. And imagine some places you are not. OK.

Now let's remember something real. Some more things that are real. Now get that same feeling of reality and imagine something as occurring right at this moment, and imbue it with that same feeling of reality. OK. Now let's remember something real. Some more things that are real. Now get that same feeling of reality and imagine something as occurring right this moment and imbue it with that same feeling of reality.

Now imagine a disaster occurring right this moment, and imbue it with the same feeling of reality. And let's get some more disasters as though they were occurring right this moment and imbue all of them with a complete feeling of reality and conviction. Well, OK. Let's imagine some more disasters and imbue them with the same feeling of reality. Now get some disasters occurring just a little while ago. Something that just occurred in the preceding day. And get an equal feeling of reality on these disasters. OK.

Let's find some places which you're not in at the moment. OK.

Now with excellent conviction, with excellent conviction postulate yourself as being several things, don't ask me what. But with great conviction, just by postulate alone, decide you are being a certain thing. I am a streetcar conductor. Get the feeling of being that, you can do it.

Now let's alter that to despicable people. People who are below social acceptance. I am very... Each time with great conviction. And look at the bleak feeling which you have toward the person. Lot's of feeling about these postulates, that you are such a person, is the fact that you are now not one. I am a Nazi storm trooper. I am not a Nazi storm trooper. From there go to the next one.

Be something, un-be it, by postulate alone. Go find something you can be and be something. Now let's un-be a few times. Now as we do it, let's get the feeling and personality of the person who is fading reality. Now remember, despicable characters all. Just get more despicable. OK.

Now let's get a series of very, very important, worthwhile people. Now let's favor the person, get the feeling of personality of being that person and then undo the person and be a new person. OK. Now as you do this, get everyone agreeing with you that you are that person. You think you are that person, get the feeling of the personality of that person, a large mass of people out there agreeing you are that person. And then un-be the person and be a new person. OK. Let's throw that all away.

And find some places where you're not. Alright.

Now let's imagine some other cities are right here where we are. Get each one of those, complete conviction. Then just forget about it. Get another city right here, very well, with complete conviction. Go city after city, right where we are. And getting from them complete conviction that it's where we are. It's right here.

Now let's get each one of these cities carefully holding the other cities at a certain distance from them. Now get each one of these cities, instead of holding a distance, pulling the other city in on top of it. See, we've got a gorgeous affair. Get it to think, "I'm tired of holding distance." City after city, where each one gets tired of holding the distance and just pulls the other one in. Let's do it some more. OK. Just throw that away.

And let's get the idea that we're tired of being who we are, so we reach out and grab a famous personality and put him on. Very, the best... Take on that personality. Reach out, pick him up, and put him on. OK. Throw all that away.

Let's find a couple of objects, hold on to them and don't think. OK. Let go of them. Find the floor beneath your feet.

End of session.